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A member registered Mar 16, 2020

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A very good wip, tho I hope there will be a way to stay with the Court and not to make enemy of them

(1 edit)

hi, I cant download this game (windows) and browser version is not starting too. Changing browsers didnt help (firefox, opera, chrome, edge...) and downloading from itch app doesnt working too.

And there no page on this game on their site either... So, any way to download it? (2 years back I downloaded it just fine)

I think there is a problem with servers impqueen

Thanks a lot! And don't worry, I respect the author rights, so I won't access your files)

Hi! A very interesting story so far with lot of variability.. I had a few confusing moments, though it probably because English not my first language.

On the more important side: really love mechanics, UI and such (I think some words on down sidebar blend a little too much with the, ... well, the sidebar itself).

So, the question. I'm interested in CS and JS code you are using for this game, may I look at it? Obviously, I would use it only as example for myself (I'm learning these languages right now).

If you are interested how I could get access to those files - itch io app downloads a game, and twine opens it the way I need.

So, finally a novel where mc has logic in actions and thoughts). I really like your game even considering that I didn't finish it yet.
But a small question: is there a way to delete saves? I just have too many of them (I bought game on steam)

I'm really happy that I found this game. I liked it, so I think I will pay for full version when I will be paid.
Even better I discovered your other games and really liked them too) I'm not sure why I have not find them earlier…
Will be (not) patiently waiting for next season.
If you don't mind I have a question: on what engine this game is done? I rarely see characters that can move this ways